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Burnt out, over-stretched and underpaid?


How to easily earn £50,000 per year as a dog trainer, 
working just 2 days per week.

One hour . Completely free . No strings attached.

So why this webinar?

Lets face it - being stretched too thin, never having a moment to yourself, and constantly scrambling to make ends meet is like being trapped in a hamster wheel with no way of getting off.

That's where this webinar comes in...

This free webinar is like the 'yellow brick road to Oz' - It gives you the strategies to earn £50,000 per year working just 2 days a week as a dog trainer.

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Focus your business

Do more of the things you love



Plan your work schedule

Structure your pricing

Make more


Without the webinar...


  • Keep feeling stuck, working non-stop with little to show for it.

  • Stay exactly where you are, exhausted from running on that hamster wheel. 

  • Keep watching your life pass you by, missing out on the good stuff because you won't change anything.


With the webinar...


  • Implement practical, step-by-step strategies to start planning immediately with our workbook.

  • Get your hands on a simple, effective two-step formula you can start using right away. 

  • Hear our three insider secrets to set you up for success and reclaim your life back.

Do you love the idea of having freedom instead of burn out?



Yes. This stuff really works...

I get it. You're stuck in that same endless loop: overworked, underpaid, and completely burnt out.

Trust me, I’ve been there too.

I spent every hour I could trying to make more money, constantly scrambling for new clients, and feeling like I was getting nowhere. Then, I decided enough was enough. I put into action everything I’m going to share with you in this webinar, so you don’t have to keep struggling the way I did and can get to where you want to be much faster.

I’m going to show you exactly how I turned my dog training business and life around — earning more, working less, and finally living the dream I always wanted (Yep, it really works!).​

Oh, and before you ask, I hear you...


The strategies I’ll be sharing in this webinar can be applied to ANY part of your dog training business.

Thrive not survive

Here's some recordings of my other free webinars that you might be interested in watching...

Surviving The Dog Training Shark Tank 

Guide To Finding Your Niche

Human ThERapist Or DOg Trainer

Save Money in your dog training business

Investing in my business - is There A right time?

Building your dog training business around YOU

How to keep your clients coming back for more

From Employed to self employed

Working Smarter, Not Harder

Get In Contact
+44 (0)7555 806904

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